07 Ogo 2011


Sunday August 7, 2011 Sunday Star

Gotong-royong help for the poor and sick

MUAR: Poor and sick villagers here will be given assistance by volunteers who will clean up their house compounds.

Maharani assemblyman Dr Mo­­hammad Taslim, who headed the Ramadan gotong-royong initiative, said the programme was created to help ease their plight.

“We have identified about 200 villagers and we plan to visit their houses during the fasting month.

“Besides providing them with some cash and food items, we will also help clear the undergrowth and rubbish around their homes,” he said during a gotong-royong at the house of villager Senin Sam in Kampung Parit Sepayung yesterday.

Clean-up time: Dr Mohammad (left) picking up rubbish at Senin’s compound as other volunteers help out in the gotongroyong effort in Kampung Parit Sepayung, Muar yesterday. — HAMDAN RAJA ABDULLAH/The Star

Dr Mohammad said Senin, 44, had been suffering from kidney failure for the past two years and had to undergo dialysis treatment three times a week.

He said the treatment, which costs about RM2,650 a month, was paid for by the Johor Baitulmal.

Meanwhile, Senin said he had been living alone after his mother died last year.

“I used to do odd jobs and work at a plantation, but I had to stop because of my kidney problems.

“After my mother died, I had to depend on help from others.

“I am fortunate to have some caring neighbours who will bring food and help clean my house regularly,” Senin said.

source:: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/8/7/nation/9255037&sec=nation