Sambutan Hari Raya 1429H/2008 telah disambut meriah dengan kerjasama ADUN Sg Abong,YB Dr Sheikh Ibrahim dan Ahli Parlimen Bakri,YB Er Teck Hwa.Kali pertama di adakan sambutan rakyat sungguh hebat.

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Snapshots of the NLD will be Eid al-Fitr Dinner

新加旺回教党总部 Islamic Party headquarters in New Gaven

行动党工作队前来协助回教党搭起棚帐 Action Party Islamic Party Task Force to come to help shed off a bridge

就连新加旺回教党州议员赛依伊布拉欣(Dr.Sheikh Iburahim)医生也跃跃一试,亲自下手把帐篷支架撑起来。 Even the new Gaven Islamic Party event in accordance with state legislators Ibrahim (Dr.Sheikh Iburahim) doctors eager to try to personally start with the tent to stand propped up. 左一是峇吉里区回教党秘书依山诺(Ishan Mohd Nor) First, the left Giri Bali Islamic Party Secretary of the mountain district Connaught (Ishan Mohd Nor)

工作完毕,来张全体照留做纪念 The work is completed, to all the photos as souvenirs Zhang
和华人宴会不同,在民联开斋节门户开放时,我们非常体恤大家,先让来宾填饱肚子后才开始演说。 And Chinese banquet is different from the open door in the Eid al-Fitr, when the NLD, we are to understand that everybody, let guests fill the stomach until after the speech.

聚餐会中准备了马来人传统的拿手咖哩和杜巴(水煮饭团),当然没有忘了开斋节必备的隆冬(椰浆咖哩汁)。 Dinner will be prepared in the traditional Malay curry specialties, and Duba (boiled rice balls), of course not forget the essential winter Eid al-Fitr (coconut milk curry sauce). 前来参与聚餐会的各族同胞相当踊跃,虽然人多,可是却没有发生推挤的现象,大家都非常遵守次序。 Dinner will come to participate in all ethnic groups has been encouraging, although many people, but the phenomenon did not occur pushing, we are very to comply with the order. 我们也见到也有人让位给年纪较大的来宾。 We have also seen some people give way to older guests. 麻坡人果然是温文有礼的。 Muar people are indeed gentle and courteous.

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聚 餐会准时在八时三十分开始,在贵宾席上左二起是麻哈拉尼州议员回教党的莫哈默达斯林(MohdTaslim)医生,回教党柔佛州主席拿督马弗兹 (Mahfodz Mohamad),我本人,回教党财政兼吉兰丹瓜拉吉赖(KualaKrai)国会议员哈达南利(MohdHattaRamli),新加望回教党州议员赛 伊布拉欣(Sheikh Ibrahim)医生。 Dinner will begin promptly at 8:30, in the VIP gallery second on the left is a state legislator Ma Ha Lani Islamic Party's Mohamed Da Silin (MohdTaslim) doctors, Johor Islamic Party Chairman Nadu Ma Feuz (Mahfodz Mohamad ), I am, Islamic Party of Finance and Kelantan Guarraggi Lai (KualaKrai) Congressman Hadananli (MohdHattaRamli), a new Canadian Islamic Party state legislator Wang Sai Ibrahim (Sheikh Ibrahim) a doctor.

YB Er Mesra bersama YB Dr Mohd Hatta

新加望州回教党议员赛依伊布拉欣致开幕辞 Added hope the state tournament in accordance with Islamic Party, Mr Ibrahim opening ceremony

由行动党峇吉里国会议员余德华先致开幕辞 Bali by the Action Party, Jiri opening remarks before members of Congress Yu Dehua

在演讲内容中,余德华多次强调华人和马来人及印度人的共同点,同时强调了和平共处的原则。 In his speech, content, Yu Dehua repeatedly stressed that the Chinese and Malays, and Indians have in common, while emphasizing the principle of peaceful coexistence.

听众抱以热烈的掌声支持 Hold the audience with warm applause support

上台嘉宾: Guests came to power:
回教党财政兼吉兰丹瓜拉吉赖国会议员哈达南利 Islamic Party financial and Kelantan Guarraggi Lai Council Hadananli

哈达曾在麻坡居住了22年,早年就职于诊所,对麻坡的感情是非常深的。 Hada Muar had lived for 22 years, worked at clinics in the early years of Muar feelings are very deep. 他在演讲中表现出了一位中庸回教徒应有的理念,对友族的看法,作为回教党元老派对多元化的期望,这是国阵所控制的媒体中难以见到的。 During his speech, showed a moderate Muslim should be the concept of the Friends of the family's view, as the Islamic Party party elders a wide range of expectations, which is the National Front under the control of the media is difficult to see.

(网络助理注:设计对白中的前半段实际上就是哈达演讲中的其中一个笑话,并非无中生有。可是看来只有到场人士才了解对白中的冷笑话,因此删除以免) (Network Assistant Note: The design of dialogue in the first half of the speech is actually hada which a joke, not fabricated. But it seems that only people who came to understand the dialogue in the scene of cold jokes, so to avoid deletion)

上台嘉宾: Guests came to power:
回教党柔佛州主席拿督马弗兹拿督马弗兹是一名学问渊博的学者,对于伊斯兰教的教义研究甚深,他强调了伊斯兰教的和平观,对于非回教徒,穆斯林应该具备的态度。 Johor Islamic Party Chairman Nadu Ma Feuz Nadu Ma Feuz is a profound erudition of the scholar, very well for the study of Islamic teachings, he emphasized the concept of peace of Islam for non-Muslims, Muslims should have attitude. 在整个演讲中,完全呈现了一名中道德穆斯林对事物的看法。 Throughout the speech, completely turned into a Muslim in the moral view of things.

在聚餐会开始后不久,柔佛州主席兼士古来州议员巫程豪医生、副主席阿末顿和诺曼风尘仆仆的由新山赶到现场。 Shortly after the start of the dinner, Chairman and Chief disabilities Kulai Johor state legislator Wu Dr. Cheng Hao, Vice-President Ahmad Leighton and Norman shuttles arrived at the scene by the Johor Bahru.

左起: Left to right:
回教党柔佛州主席拿督马弗兹,行动党柔佛州主席巫程豪医生,峇吉里区行动党国会议员余德华 Islamic Party Chairman Nadu Ma Feuz Johor, Johor's Action Party Chairman Wu Dr. Cheng Hao, Bali giri district's Action Party MPs Yu Dehua

民联领袖们在聚餐时同时也交换了对时事的意见 NLD leaders at the dinner at the same time also exchanged views on current affairs

左起: Left to right:
回教党财政哈达南利,行动党柔佛州主席巫程豪医生 Financial Hadananli Islamic Party, Action Party Chairman Johor Dr. Cheng Hao Wu

行动党柔佛副主席诺曼致辞 Mr Norman's Action Party Vice-Chairman of Johor

一向擅长于演讲的诺曼抨击了上周发生在新山的拆屋行动。 Norman has always been good at speech last week's attack took place in the new mountain demolition action. 作为反对行动筹委会一员,诺曼抨击了国阵政府不但对居住在我国多年的华人和印度人的公民权诸多为难,甚至就连标榜捍卫马来人利益也都是在欺骗人民。 Action as opposed to a PC, Norman attacked the National Front Government has not only lived in China for many years a number of Chinese and Indian citizenship difficult, or even even claiming to champion the interests of the Malays are also deceiving people. 在拆屋行动中,受影响的马来住户就是很好的例子。 In the demolition operation, the affected households in Malaysia is a good example.

行动党柔佛州主席巫程豪医生致辞 Action Party President Johor speech Dr. Cheng Hao Wu

精通三语的巫医生对柔佛州新村地契的课题发表了意见。 Trilingual Johor village witch doctors expressed their views on the subject of the lease. 难得的是,巫医生在使用马来文发表后,在简短的使用中文把内容从说一遍,以让在场的华裔能够了解演讲内容。 Unusual is that the use of Malay witch doctor after the release of a brief use of Chinese in the content from it once again in order to allow the presence of ethnic Chinese to understand the content of speech.

聚餐会结束时的合照 Dinner will be at the end of the photo

左起: Left to right:
黄 谊豪(柔佛州社青团干训局主任),新加望州回教党议员赛依伊布拉欣(Dr.Sheikh Iburahim),柔佛州行动党副主席阿末顿(Ahmad Ton),柔佛州行动党副主席诺曼费南德斯(Norman Fernandez),峇吉里区国会议员余德华,柔佛州行动党州主席兼士古来州议员巫程豪,回教党州主席拿督马弗兹(Mahfodz Mohamad) Huang Yi-ho (Johor State Youth League cadre training agency Director of the Bureau), the new look plus the state tournament in accordance with Islamic Party, Mr Ibrahim (Dr.Sheikh Iburahim), Johor's Action Party Vice-Chairman Ahmad Leighton (Ahmad Ton), Johor action Party vice chairman Norman Fernandez (Norman Fernandez), Bali Giri District Congressman Yu Dehua, Johor State Chairman's Action Party state legislator Wu Cheng Hao Shi ancient, Islamic Party State Chairman Nadu Ma Feuz (Mahfodz Mohamad)

在结束前,余德华向巫程豪医生介绍前来参加聚餐会的居民 In conclusion, Dr. Cheng Hao Wu Yu Dehua to introduce the residents to attend the dinner will be

民联领袖融洽的交谈着 NLD leaders, talked with harmony

记录小组无聊时拍下的小孩 Record Group bored children when photographed

前来参加聚餐会的小孩都获得了青包 Children attending the dinner would have won the blue bag

鬼马的哈达看到什麽令身边的赛依伊布拉欣医生和胡欣伊布拉欣(回教党峇吉里支部宣传主任)如此兴奋? Hada funny to see what the game around to make according to doctors and Hu Xinyi Bu Ibrahim Ibrahim (Islamic Party Bali Giri branch of Publicity Officer) so excited?

民联三族领袖在餐会后闲聊 Prize the leaders of the NLD after dinner chat

在会后,哈兹阿末(新加旺州议员赛伊布拉欣的政治秘书)和余德华一起收拾清扫会场中间是行动党麻坡支部委员林坤成。 After the meeting, Hazi A at the end (new state legislators Race Wong Ibrahim's political secretary), and Yu Dehua packed with cleaning the venue's Action Party Muar branch of the middle member of Kun-Chen Lin.
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以下是对媒体所发出的文告 The following is a statement issued by the media

文告 Statement

峇吉里民联于2008年10月26日所举行的开斋节聚餐会圆满结束。 Bali Ji neighborhood together on October 26, 2008 Eid al-Fitr dinner will be held on a successful conclusion. 这个由民主行动党峇吉里国会议员余德华和回教党新加望州议员联合发起的聚餐会,当晚共吸引了近四百名各族人士,携老带幼共同参与这场温馨的聚餐会。 This from the Democratic Action Party Members of Parliament Yu Dehua Giri Bali and the Islamic Party Added hope state legislators will be co-sponsored dinner that night attracted nearly 400 people of all ethnic groups, with both old and young to participate in this intimate dinner party. 余德华表示,这次的开斋节聚餐会,是麻县行动党和回教党破天荒第一次联手合作所举办的不分肤色,不分信仰的联谊活动,这将增进我国各族文化间的和谐。 Yu Dehua said the dinner would be the Eid al-Fitr is the county's Action Party and the Islamic Commission the first time the party organized by the joint efforts regardless of color, regardless of faith, social activities, which will promote the development of all inter-cultural harmony.

聚 餐会由晚上8时30分准时开始,受邀嘉宾抱括回教党财政兼吉兰丹瓜拉吉赖(Kuala Krai)国会议员哈达南利(Mohd Hatta Ramli)外,还包括回教党州主席拿督马弗兹(Mahfodz Mohamad)行动党柔佛州主席兼士古来州议员巫程豪医生、副主席阿末顿(Ahmad Ton)和诺曼等。 Dinner from 8:30 p.m. start on time and invited guests including Islamic Party holds Guarraggi Lai Finance and Kelantan (Kuala Krai) Congressman Hadananli (Mohd Hatta Ramli), but also including the Islamic Party state chairman Datuk Ma Fuzi (Mahfodz Mohamad) Action Party Chairman disabilities Kulai Johor state legislator Wu Dr. Cheng Hao, Vice-President Ahmad Dayton (Ahmad Ton) and Norman and so on. 而民联领袖也轮番上台?#20840;民开讲?#65292;为麻坡人剖析和报告308大选后国内的政治局势变化。 While NLD leaders also took turns coming to power? # 20840; China to lecture? # 65292; to Muar who analyze and report on 308 post-election changes in the domestic political situation.

回教党瓜拉吉赖国会议员哈达南利表示,相较于国阵表里不一的种族政治,民联五州联合政府言行一致,表现出利惠全民的施政,是国内政治的一股清流。 Islamic Party Guarraggi Lai Council Hadananli said, compared with the National Front duplicity of racial politics, the NLD five state coalition government practice what they preach, showing Levi Strauss popular governance, domestic politics at the moment is a clear stream . 特别是华人居多的槟州,其首席部长林冠英不分种族的政策,令马来人对民联联合政府感到放心。 Especially the Chinese-dominated Penang, Chief Minister Lin Guanying, regardless of its racial policies, so that the Malays of the China Alliance coalition government reassured. 行 动党士姑来州议员巫程豪和副主席诺曼也针对新山避兰东,发生居民被逼迁事件对柔佛州政府迟迟未对柔佛州内的土地发出永久地契?#21595; 声?#12290;巫程豪医生指出,虽然民联无法执政柔佛州,导致许多民联的施政理治无法施行,但是他相信,霹雳州对华人新村和马来重组村发出永久地契的 施政,将是未来民联执政柔佛州的楷模! Action Party Skudai state legislator Wu Cheng Hao and Vice-Chairman Norman also for the new mountain to avoid Lindon, in which residents are forced to move the event to the Johor state government did not delay in Johor state to issue a permanent lease of land? # 21595; sound? # 12290 ; Wu Dr. Cheng Hao pointed out that although the NLD can not govern the state of Johor, resulting in many of the NLD's policy rationale rule can not be implemented, but he believes that Perak on the restructuring of the Chinese and Malay Village, the village issued a permanent lease policy, will govern the future of the NLD Johor model! 峇吉里回教党主席兼新加望州议员依不拉欣皆表示,民联在未来的日子里,将举办各族间喜庆节日的交流,以加强我国各民族间的联系,增进对各族间文化和风俗习惯的了解! Giri Bali Islamic party chairman and a new look plus all state legislators Ibrahim said the NLD in the coming days, will organize the exchange of inter-ethnic festivals in order to strengthen the linkages among the various nationalities to promote inter-ethnic pairs understanding of culture and customs! 同时,他们也期待农历新年的到来,以促进马来人对华人的习俗的了解和尊重。 They also look forward to the arrival of the Lunar New Year in order to promote Malay customs of the Chinese understanding and respect.

余德华会后向麻坡的民众承诺,来年的农历新年,峇吉里民联一定主办各族间的农历新年聚餐会,以确保民联在柔佛的合作模式,加强民联各成党间的友好关系,并回馈麻坡人在308大选对民联的支持。 Yu Dehua after the popular commitment to Muar, next year's Lunar New Year, Bali will host the all-chi neighborhood joint between the Lunar New Year dinner will be to ensure that the China Alliance in Johor model of collaboration, to strengthen the NLD as the party of friendly relations between the , and feedback Muar in the election of the 308 NLD support.

[ 本帖最后由余德华于17-11-2008 09:45 AM 编辑 ] [This quote was last on 17-11-2008 09:45 AM by Yu Dehua edit]
