SETAHUN YANG LALU hari Ahad 9 November 2008.......YB Er Teck Hwa,Ahli Parlimen Bakri, telah menganjurkan PROGRAM MANSUH ISA !! di Dataran Tanjung Emas Muar.YB Dr Mohammad Taslim,ADUN Maharani,dan ahli jawatankuasanya berpakat menyokong usaha murni ini.DAP Bakri/Muar berpakat dengan PAS Muar

09-11-2008早上我们展开了一场《废除内安法令》运动,以配合在下周三由《废除内安法令行动》(Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA)负责人赛伊布拉欣(Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh)在国会大厦大厅呈交五万个签名给首相巴达维的行动。 09-11-2008 morning we embarked on a "repeal the Internal Security Act" campaign to tie in with the next Wednesday by the "repeal the Internal Security Act of Action" (Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA) head race Ibrahim (Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh) in the Hall of Parliament House to submit 50000 signatures to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi action.

这项运动大概是在两周前策划的,直到上周末,麻坡社青团才赶制好第一批T恤,并且在《民主行动党42周年党庆》的千人席宴会中首次亮相。 The campaign is probably the planned two weeks ago, until last weekend, Muar Society Youth League was working towards a good first batch of T-shirt, and in the "Party of Democratic Action 42 anniversary of the founding" of the thousands of seats banquet for the first time appearance.

在今天的签名运动开始前的一天,我连续接获几通来自当局的电话,「询问」我有关明天举行的这项运动。 In today's signature campaign before the start of the day, I received a few straight-pass from the authorities of the phone, "ask" me about tomorrow's in this sport. 在经过小组讨论后,我们决定照原定计划进行,因为作为一名人民代议士,我认为把麻坡人民的反对声音传达给首相是件义不容辞的事。 After the panel discussion, we decided to reproduce the original plan, because as a people's elected representatives, I think that the people's opposition to Muar to convey to the Prime Minister is duty-bound to pieces of matter. 当然我也必须做好心理准备,以应付当局派人来询问的时候应该如何应付。 Of course, I must also be psychologically prepared to cope with the time authorities should be sent to ask how to deal with.

早上九时正,新加望区回教党和麻坡公正党支部人马已经准备就绪。 9:00 am is the new hope area plus a just Islamic Party and the Muar branch Sagittarius is ready. 民联的工作人员们互相商讨这如何分配工作。 The staff of the NLD, who will discuss how this distribution.

由于麻坡属于比较没有频密公民运动的市镇,预期运动的效果将不乐观。 Muar is not due to a relatively frequent movement of citizens of the town, the expected effects of the movement would not be optimistic about. 可是出乎预料之外,很快的,就有公众上前参加签名。 However, unexpectedly, the fast, there came forward to participate in the public signature.

在现场,我们也同时出售社青团所售卖的宣传T恤。 At the scene, we also sell community Youth League T shirt sold by the publicity.

麻哈拉尼回教党州议员达斯林医生(Dr. Mohd Taslim)也不忘支持我们,他也掏了腰包买了一件T恤。 Islamic Party state legislators Hala Ni Ma Da Silin doctor (Dr. Mohd Taslim) are also not forget to support us, he also dig the pockets to buy a T shirt. 我当场给达斯林医生进行「试穿」,嗯,看来还蛮合身的。 I have a doctor on the spot Da Silin, "tried," ah, it seems quite a fit.

公众们也兴致勃勃的像我们购买这套设计的很「大胆」的T恤,我也很乐意的给大家穿上...看起来帅毙了! The public were also enthusiastic as we buy this design is "bold" T-shirt, and I am happy to do for everyone to wear ... looks handsome kill!

前来监察的警方没有对我们今早的运动采取任何阻止的行动。 The police did not come to monitor the movement this morning, we stop to take any action. 可是警方倒是派出了政治部人员监视我们,并且使用摄影机对我们作摄像机录。 However, the police Special Branch officers to monitor Daoshi sent us, and to use the camera for us to make the camera recorded. 基本上,我们对警方没有对我们的运动进行干扰,这是让我非常欣慰的。 Basically, we have the police do not interfere with our movement, this way, I am very pleased. 在下图中,我正在和公共序秩代主任林奕薪首席警长进行交涉。 In the next figure, I am working, and public order on behalf of the Director of LIN Yi rank of Chief Sergeant negotiate salary.

在黄金丹戎的签名运动告一段落前,我向在场的各报记者做了个简单的新闻发布会 Tanjung in gold signature campaign come to an end, I present the various newspaper reporters to do a simple press conference

过后,我们前往麻坡四马路继续签名运动 After, we went to Muar four roads to a signature campaign

累了,喝口茶,歇一歇 Tired, He Koucha, take a break

大功告成,拍张全体照留做纪念 You're done, getting all the photos as souvenirs Zhang

今天的成绩看来还是相当令人满意的。 Today's results it seems quite satisfactory. 虽然在小组讨论时,我们并不看好这次活动,因为麻坡毕竟还是一个传统的国阵堡垒。 While the panel discussion, we are not optimistic about this event, because the Muar after all, a traditional bastion of the National Front. 在麻坡,几乎也没有见过任何形式的公民运动出现过。 In Muar, is almost never seen any form of civic movement appeared. 虽然这个活动只持续了一个小时,可是在短短的时间内,我们就收集了大约近两百个签名,这是令人相当鼓舞的。 While this event only lasted an hour, but in a short period of time, we have collected about nearly 200 signatures, which is very very encouraging. 我相信在三零八后,大部分人民也开始勇敢的自己的权益发表出自己的意见,不再像以往一样,一提到《内安法令》,大家就看到牛鬼蛇神那样。 I believe that in 308, the majority of people also began to express their interests brave out his own views, not as usual, a reference to "Internal Security Act," so everyone can see monsters and freaks.

虽然拉惹柏特拉已经在前两天被释放了,可是还有65名被扣留者目前还在甘文丁扣留营内。 While Raja Petra Kamarudin has been released the previous two days, but there are 65 detainees are currently still in Kamunting detention camp. 一些被扣留者甚至已经待了超过六年至八年的漫长时光。 Some detainees have even spent more than six years to eight years in a long time. 这是一项不人道的法令,应该早日被废除。 This is an inhuman act and should be repealed as soon as possible. 如果一个人怀疑是触犯了法令,政府应该以司法程序来调查和审判。 If a person is suspected to have breached the Act, the Government should adopt the judicial procedures for the investigation and trial. 作为人民,我们必须要继续坚持到底,直到这项恶法被废除为止。 As a people, we must continue to adhere to in the end, until this draconian laws will be abolished.

[ 本帖最后由余德华于30-11-2008 06:36 PM 编辑 ] [This quote was last on 30-11-2008 06:36 PM by Yu Dehua edit]