27 Ogo 2012


Monday August 27, 2012

Rush for pigeon briyani rice


Many came early and waited for about one hour before the packs of rice were distributed by Maharani assemblyman Dr Mohamad Taslim.
Group leader Azman Kassim said he and several friends teamed up to cook nasi briyani gam but with pigeon, instead of beef or chicken.
“However, we do have some mutton with some of the packs as not everyone would want to eat pigeon meat.

Here’s the rice for you: Dr Mohamad (second from left) distributing nasi briyani burung merpati to villagers in Kampung Tengah in Muar while Norhayati (left) gving a helping hand. 
  Here’s the rice for you: Dr Mohamad (second from left) distributing nasi briyani burung merpati to villagers in Kampung Tengah in Muar while Norhayati (left) gving a helping hand.
“We cooked two big pots of nasi briyani gam and informed the villagers who wanted to taste pigeon meat to come,” he said at the stall recently.
Azman, 56 and a retired soldier, said the village was unique as it had many Umno and PAS supporters but they would join hands to do any gotong-royong work in the village.
He said the group ask Maharani assemblyman Dr Mohamad Taslim to help distribute the packs to the men and a Muar PAS woman leader Norhayati Bachok to the women folks.
Meanwhile, Dr Mohamad said it was rare for the Malays to eat pigeon and he was surprised to see many came and queued up to collect the packs of rice.
“However, some asked for packs with mutton as they have never eaten pigeon meat,” he added.

Source: http://thestar.com.my/metro/story.asp?file=/2012/8/27/southneast/11850487&sec=southneast

Monday, August 27, 2012

RM1.3mil for flood prevention

JOHOR BARU: The Johor Baru Central Municipal Council (MPJBT) has allocated RM1.3mil to improve the drainage system to prevent floods in Johor Jaya.

Forum to help address teenage pregnancy issues

JOHOR BARU: The Asia Pacific Forum on Families (APFAM) hopes to address the issues of unwanted pregnancies among teenagers in the region by conducting a conference soon.

Curbing cross-border crime

MUAR: Every country, especially those in the region, should work together in trying to curb cross-border crime, including terrorism threats.

Govt urged to take stand against sectarian violence

JOHOR BARU: A Malay rights non-governmental organisation Per-tubuhan Penyatuan Pembelaan Melayu Malaysia (PPPMM) urged the Malaysian Government to take a tougher stand on sectarian violence in Myanmar involving Rohingyas.

Foon Yew High School holds 99th year bash

JOHOR BARU: Foon Yew High School along Stulang Laut here ceased classes for two days to celebrate its 99th anniversary with fun, food and games.

Rush for pigeon briyani rice

MUAR: Hundreds of villagers in Kampung Tengah near here rushed to a roadside stall in the village after they heard some groups were distributing nasi briyani burung merpati or pigeon briyani rice.