Jumaat, 10 September 2010


Jumaat 10 September 2010

DYMM Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar  mencipta sejarah Kesultanan Johor apabila mengadakan sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri di Istana Tanjung, Muar selepas  baginda  menunaikan solat Aidilfitri di Masjid Sultan Ibrahim, Muar.

Sultan Ibrahim  meraikan rakyat dengan mengadakan rumah terbuka di Istana Tanjung, Muar mulai 9.30 hingga 12 tengah hari dan dari 2.30 hingga 4 petang.
YB Dr Mohammad Taslim (ADUN Maharani) dan ahli keluarga telah berpeluang bersama-sama menghadiri Majlis tersebut.YB Dr Sheikh Ibrahim Salleh (ADUN Sg Abong) dan isteri serta YBGwee Tong Hiang (ADUN Bentayan) dan isteri turut  hadir .

Alhamdulillah DYMM Tuanku telah berkenaan menerima kami menghadap baginda

Daulat Tuanku.DYMM Tuanku Sultan berkenan merakamkan gambar 
bersama keluarga YB Dr Mohammad Taslim.

ADUN-ADUN Pakatan Rakyat bersama Tuanku

Menjunjung titah Tuanku.Kami kagum dengan keperhatinan Tuanku Sultan.
Di belakang kelihatan Puan Rubiah (isteri Dr Mohammad bertudung merah jambu) dan
Dr Salmah (isteri YB Dr Sheikh Ibrahim bertudung biru).

Y.A.M. Raja Zarith Sofia Ibni Sultan Idris Al Mutawakkil Idris  Allahi Shah
bergambar bersama Puan Rubiah Raffee (isteri YB Dr Mohammad) dan anaknya (Siti Zahirah).
Mesra.....Y.A.M Raja Zarith Sofia berhati rakyat.
Puan Rubiah Raffee bersalaman dengan  Y.A.M.

 Dari kiri: YB Dr Sheikh Ibrahim,YB Gwee,Tuan Pegawai Daerah Muar Tuan Hj Mislan Karmani dan YB Dr Mohammad di Majlis Rumah Terbuka.

Ribuan rakyat berbaris untuk bersalaman dengan baginda.
Wednesday September 15, 2010
Cherish Malaysian unity


JOHOR Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar had called for his subjects to be united against racial disparity regardless of race and religion.
He told this to Starmetro at his first Hari Raya open house in Muar recently.
“We have be be grateful for what we have and what we are.

There you go: Sultan Ibrahim handing out duit raya to some of the kids
who visited his Hari Raya open house.
Sultan Ibrahim added that unity among the different races was important to ensure the stable growth of the country.
“I would also like to advise the people from every walk of life to always work hard in order to improve themselves,” he said, adding that it was a wonderful experience to meet with the people in Muar and celebrate Hari Raya with them.

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